16 September 2013

Cheerdance 2013 Notes

A compilation of my tweets on the most anticipated event of the season. Don't ask me why. I stopped asking myself that a long time ago. Here's the 2013 UAAP Cheerdance Competition in 140 characters (max).

"Halftime performance mode. Go Adamson. #UAAPCDC2013" [edited]

Congratulations to the NU Cheer Squadron, the UP Pep Squad, and the De La Salle Animo Squad for making the podium this year. To the other schools, there's always next year.

27 August 2013

Five Little Things I Learned in Hong Kong

  1. It's extremely helpful to travel with friends who take it upon themselves to read maps and train routes for the whole group. Follow the leader. Life's easy that way. 

  2. People can be mean. I have learned of that so very early in life. In Hong Kong, they can be meaner. When the maitre d' sits you in a table right in front of the restaurant entrance with its automatic sliding doors -- the radar sensor kind, take note, that makes her meaner than all of my childhood tormentors combined. Do I have to mention that the place is located in a very busy street? That every time someone stops to read and check out their daily specials posted outside, the door opens? In winter! I don't need to tell you that, no? She can't give us a table anywhere else but she happily assisted the other locals who came in after us to tables upstairs. I told you, mean.
  3. You want a Coke? Just say Cola-Cola!
  4. When the weather center says temperature could drop to five degrees, believe it. They know better. I had that moment -- that confusing, terrifying moment when I made peace with the world and entertained the idea of me dying of hypothermia right there in Disneyland. No kidding. 

  5. I don't like big airports. Period. 

03 April 2013

Five Little Things I Learned in Macau

  1. My mind refused to acknowledge the fact the hospitality industry doesn't seem to require their workers to learn basic English. I know it's China and I don't expect them to be fluent in the English language but life could be easier if they show more patience in trying to make their point across. I was the visitor, a guest, they are the host but they were the ones who gave me exasperated looks when they can't answer my questions. There was even one who turned and walked away from me. Rude, eh? I was always the one with the apologetic smile. Shouldn't it be the other way around? If you cannot articulate it, there's always the pen and paper. A little sign language can help, too. 
  2. If you're on a budget and trying your best to save more shopping money, don't fret. Just take a stroll up and down Senado Square. Trust me, you'll be fed. There's free food everywhere. You just have to buy yourself a bottle of water and you're set. 

  3. Seeing a senior citizen carry a stack of trays up the second floor of McDonald's kind of broke my heart. While I must commend the company for employing the elderly, I couldn't help but imagine her as my own grandmother. Yes, her. She's a she. I guess there are no issues of discrimination with regards to hiring seniors in the region.
  4. The best thing about Macau? You can actually get around without paying for transportation. All you need is a map and the ability to read one then hop on the complimentary shuttle buses operated by the major casinos and hotels. Totally free. I love Macau -- with the free stuff! 

  5. It would do you so much better if you can remember your hotel room number. My friends and I always go out as a group so despite my wrong hallway turns a couple of times, I was good. Or so I thought. I had to go back to the hotel alone when I got separated from them on our last night. Not only did I go up the wrong floor, I also tried to open the wrong door, repeatedly pressed the buzzer and knocked for a really long while before I realized I was in the wrong floor and definitely the wrong door. I also did the same on another door in the other wing believing it to be my other friends' room. Epic. I was four floors up. Good thing no one seemed to be inside those rooms at the time. My butt being dragged to the security office wasn't exactly my idea of a fun-filled vacation with friends had my realization took another minute to set in. Lucky me.